click the title of whichever message resonates with you in your Spirit for a visual surprise...
"release all fear.
all that you need is already here.
peace, be still.
Love always wins.
the battle is already won."
- danielle c. henry.
"why do we choose to worry? and be fearful? why do we CHOOSE to anticipate the worst?
why choose to sabotage yourself by investing your energy into believing anything less than thoughts that vibrate on the frequency of Love & Light?
FEAR: that vibrations that creates resistance.
release the insecurities. value yourself. Love yourself. KNOW that you are WORTHY and deserving of experiencing the BEST case scenario. - DH
"That Which You Seek, is Also Seeking YOU." with patience, all can be achieved.
have PATIENCE on the journey. re-think your own perception and idea of "time". put VALUE on your precious, time. there is a reason and purpose for your PRESENT moment. release worry and fear of what IS to come. don't block the floodgates. don't block your blessings. ALL is divine time. - natty
the BRUTAL consequences of BAD SELF TALK!
how do you speak about yourself around others?
how you do you speak about yourself when you are faced with your own reflections?
is what you're saying about yourself coming from a place of FEAR of LOVE?
do you remember that you ARE love in it's purest form? created special with a UNIQUE purpose different from anyone else to ever exist?
speak positive uplifting affirmations daily if you are finding that you are speaking ANYTHING LESS THAN LIGHT AND LIFE over your own life. even if it's what you consider to be "minor", it makes a world of a difference.
you are what you ingest. you BECOME what you ingest. your OWN WORD SOUND POWER is way you ingest every day as you speak to and of yourself.
YOU must be your own BIGGEST fan.
i love you, and i believe in you.
xx nattyChef
HOW-TO: Find Answers, Guidance, and Direction in SILENCE (ft. hearing God's Voice)
with practice and focused intention, it will get easier.
click here to watch the full wellness chat.